Friday, June 23, 2006


So, the day is soon approaching. On July 4, I will be leaving for my 6-week trip to Graz, Austria for the AIMS program. For those of you who aren't familiar, AIMS is the American Institute of Musical Studies, and I'm going to EUROPE!!!! I can't believe it...and I am SUPER excited! Overwhelmed....yes. Happy....yes. Awful passport picture?.....check. :D Blog?.....check!

So, this is what this blog is for:

I wanted to find a way to keep in touch with what's going on and what I'm doing while I'm away, so I'm going to take lots of pictures and try to get around to a computer as much as possible while I'm out there. :) You know....between all the singing and practicing!

Alrighty....that's enough for tonight. Love yous!
